

Best Paper Prize:Isabel Güiza-Gómez & Laura García-Montoya for “Land Dispossession on Trial: Claim-Making and Judicial Behavior in the Colombian Land Restitution Program.”

Honorable Mention: Inés Fynn for “Unveiling Commitments of Silence: Reciprocity Networks and Criminal Organizations in Montevideo.”

Best Graduate Student Paper:

Daniel Rojas for “How Do Business Elites Respond to Social Protests?
Ivan Souza Vieira for “Affordability and Quality of Urban Buses in Latin American Cities: Explaining Contrasts in Fare Regimes in Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and São Paulo.”


Best Paper Prize: Juan Diego Prieto, “State Patching: A Typological Theory with Illustrations from Emergency Social Transfers in Brazil and Colombia.”

Best Graduate Student Paper: Madai Urteaga Quispe, “Agrarian Developmentalism: The Politics of Development Strategies Chile and Colombia.”


Best Paper Prize: Natalia Bueno, Felipe Nunes, and Cesar Zucco, “What You See and What You Get: Direct and Indirect Political Dividends of Public Policies.”

Best Paper Honorable Mentions:

Laura García-Montoya, Isabel Güiza-Gómez, and María Paula Saffon, “Entering the Political Arena: Institutional Claim-making for Redistribution and the Left Turn in Post-Accord Colombia.”

Zaraí Toledo Orozco and Moisés Arce, “Informal, Legal or Illegal? Varieties of Informal Resource Extraction in the Global South.”

Best Graduate Student Paper Co-Winners:

Vincent Mauro, “Elites, Redistributive Threats, and Democratic Breakdown in Latin America.”

Santiago Cunial, “Policy Legacies and Energy Transitions: Greening Policies under Sectoral Reforms in Argentina and Chile.”


Best Paper Prize: Guillermo Toral, “The Benefits of Patronage: How the Political Appointment of Bureaucrats Enhances their Accountability and Effectiveness.”

Best Paper Honorable Mentions:

Andrés Schipani, “Left Behind: Labor Unions and Redistributive Policy under the Brazilian Workers’ Party.”

Rachel Schwartz, “Rewriting the Rules of Land Reform: Counterinsurgency and Agrarian Development in Nicaragua.”

Best Graduate Student Paper Co-Winners:

Lucia Motolinia Carballo, “Cultivating a Personal Vote Can Increase Legislative Cohesion: Evidence from Clientelistic Parties in Mexico.”

Alice Xu, “Segregation and the Spatial Externalities of Inequality: A Theory of Collateral Cooperation for Public Goods in Cities.”


Best Paper Prize: Eduardo Moncada, “The Political Economy of Resistance to Criminal Victimization in Mexico.”

Best Paper Honorable Mention: Sebastián Etchemendy, “The Construction and Stabilization of Segmented Neo-Corporatism: Institutional Legacies, Left Power and Wage Coordination in Uruguay (2005-2017).”

Best Graduate Student Paper: Alicia Cooperman, “Trading Favors: Local Politics and Development in Brazil.”


Best Paper Prize: Irene Menendez, “Explaining support for non-contributory social policy: evidence from a survey experiment in Argentina.”

Best Paper Honorable Mention: Alisha C. Holland, “The Political Foundations for Public Works: Evidence from Urban Colombia.”

Best Graduate Student Paper: David De Micheli, “Racial Reclassification and Political Identity Formation.”

Best Graduate Student Honorable Mention: Jacob Kopas, “Legitimizing the State or a Grievance?: Property Rights and Political Engagement.”


Best Paper Prize: Daniela Campello and Cesar Zucco, “Commodity Price Shocks and Misattribution of Responsibility for the Economy: Observational and Experimental Evidence.”

Best Paper Honorable Mention: German Feierherd, “Labor Standards and Electoral Accountability: Causal Evidence from Brazil.”


Best Paper Prize: Matthew Amengual, “Buying Stability: The Distributive Outcomes of Firm Responses to Risk in the Bolivian Mining Industry.”

Best Paper Honorable Mention: Kathryn Hochstetler, “Electricity Consumption in Brazil and South Africa: Distributive Coalitions and Consequences.”

Best Graduate Student Paper: Diego Díaz-Rioseco, “Blessing and Curse: Oil and Subnational Politics in the Argentine Provinces.”


Best Paper Prize: Sara Niedzwiecki, “Social Policies, Attribution of Responsibility, and Political Alignments. A Subnational Analysis of Argentina and Brazil.”


Best Paper Prize: Matthew Carnes and Isabela Mares, “Redefining who’s “in” and who’s “out”: Explaining Preferences for Redistribution in Bolivia.”

Best Paper Honorable Mention: Renato Lima de Oliveira and Martin Liby Alonso. “Fueling development? Assessing the Impact of Oil and Soybean Wealth on Municipalities in Brazil.”